Saturday, October 25, 2008


I have been confined to the same routine for the last two years; school during the day, work at night, and studying on the weekends. Do not be mistaken, I love my life and the direction in which it is moving. However, I sometimes miss the freedom of having no responsibilities. I miss lazy days and long nights. I miss the freedom of spontaneity; living for today, unconcerned with tomorrow. I miss late night dinners on Saturdays, the big game on Sunday, and Monday night football. It would seem, that in the process of pursuing my goals, I have forgotten how to enjoy my life. And, that is what I miss the most- enjoying life. I believe that in the process of pursuing our goals that we can become so determined, so strong willed, and so career motivated that we forget to enjoy life. We forget what it was like to be a child that found pleasure in the simple and ordinary things of life. As children, we did not need the services of online dating systems; we simply wrote a note which read: "Would you be my girlfriend? Check yes, no, or maybe." We did not need Gladiator games, but a small piece of chalk, an unmarked slab of concrete, to play a game of hopscotch. We did not need goal posts and white chalked lines, to indicate midfield, the telephone poles on the opposite sides of the street marked the boundaries of our playing field. Although goals and personal achievements are important, I think that I will spend a little more time taking pleasure in the simple things. I think I will stay up late on Saturday, and sleep in on Sunday. I think I will use the lawn hose for a water gun, and wet my daughter for no reason at all. I think I will take a long drive today and worry about gas prices tomorrow. In short, I think I will live a little.

1 comment:

Grace L. said...

=) Enjoy it! I'm still learning how to find the balance between enjoying life and pursuing goals. Perhaps we should have an exchange of sorts--I'll give you concentrated life-enjoyment inspiration if you'll give me some focus to follow my schedule. ;)